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GM's Day Sale at DriveThruRPG: 40% off!

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All published Purple Sorcerer Games adventures are available for purchase from DriveThruRPG!

The Sunken City Adventure Omnibus & Guide

Sunken City Omnibus

All four Sunken City Adventures (Perils of the Sunken City, The Ooze Pits of Jonas Gralk, A Gathering of the Marked, and Lair of the Mist Men) combined, refined, and enhanced into 96 pages of Dungeon Crawl Classics full-color loveliness! Packed with new content:

$12.99 $7.79  Order PDF or PDF/Print bundle at DriveThruRPG

The Sullenlands Adventure Omnibus & Guide

Sullenlands Omnibus

All three of Mark Bishop's adventures (Nebin Pendlebrook's Perilous Pantry, The Frost Fang Expedition, and The Crypt in Cadaver Canyon) combined into 300+ page dynamo of Dungeon Crawl Classics awesomeness! Packed with new content:

$13.99 $8.39  Order PDF or PDF/Print bundle at DriveThruRPG

The Crypt in Cadaver Canyon

Crypt The third adventure in Mark Bishop's line that began in Nebin Pendlebrook's Pantry, The Crypt in Cadaver Canyon challenges 2nd level adventurers to save a hidden desert city (along with its cursed inhabitants) from the wrath of a devious and chaotic god. Its 60+ digest-sized pages are packed with dangerous environments, exotic threats, and a world-shaking finale with thousands of lives on the line!


$6.99 $4.19  Order PDF or PDF/Print bundle at DriveThruRPG

Escape from the Shrouded Fen

The Frost Fang Expedition

What happens when a demon dies? Oozing, scalding, deathblood floods the land, cursing it forevermore. Every seventeen years, the blood moon rises and the Fog Beast beckons villagers into the Shrouded Fen; those that follow never return. Now you have been chosen! Seeking ancient ruins, vast treasure, and arcane lore, you plunge deep into the mist-laden swamp. Plants impale corpses ravaged by man-eating birds, while specters of past victims roam the blood-cursed land. A mysterious floating portal defies entry, though the bog’s hidden artifacts are rumored to provide the key. Can you solve the riddles of the swamp and escape from the Shrouded Fen?

$7.99 $4.79  Order PDF or PDF/Print bundle at DriveThruRPG

The Frost Fang Expedition

The Frost Fang Expedition

The Frost Fang Expedition challenges PCs to reach the top of a frozen and treacherous peak on a mission of discovery: why have huge chunks of a mysterious sorcerer’s floating castle begun raining down on the once quiet village of Neverthawes? The quest for answers will uncover hidden motives, fearsome foes, and deadly environments galore.

$5.99 $3.59  Order PDF or PDF/Print bundle at DriveThruRPG

The Carnival of the Damned

Carnival of the Damned

A band of villagers are trapped in a mist-shrouded carnival in the dead of night, facing death at every turn. Can they survive twisted oddities like the corpse-filled Tunnel of Love and the dreaded Bone Coaster?

Filled with fantastic art, the Carnival of the Damned unleashes nightmares into any campaign, with encounters refined and polished by the anguished screams of hundreds of players at conventions like Dragon Con and Gary Con!

For judges, the adventure fills many needs: author David Baity has crafted over 30 encounters and dozens of random threats. There is enough content for days of tournament play, or judges can select a smaller collection of favorite dangers for a quick DCC funnel session. For sandbox-style play, judges can extract individual encounters whenever a twisted challenge is needed in any old school system. There's even a haunting backstory for those looking to integrate the adventure into an extended campaign.

And there's clowns. Lots and lots of clowns. (more info)

$9.99 $5.99  Order PDF or PDF/Print bundle at DriveThruRPG

Nebin Pendlebrook's Perilous Pantry


The tiny village of Bitterweed Barrow is unaccustomed to mysterious tunnels, missing halflings, or the need for brave adventurers, but now it has all three! Can a band of gong-farmers and shoe-cobblers muster the courage to descend into the darkness and confront the terror that waits beyond Nebin Pendlebrook’s unexpectedly perilous pantry?

$4.49 $2.69  Order PDF or PDF/Print bundle at DriveThruRPG

Individual Sunken City Adventures

Each of these adventures is included in the Sunken City Omnibus, but you can also buy them individually.

Perils of the Sunken City. Perils of the Sunken CityDesigned for 0-level characters, Perils of the Sunken City gives both an overview of the Sunken City and details Madazkan’s Court, the first Sunken City adventure. Once a necromancers deadly playground, the court is now home to an insane elemental, fearsome monsters and deadly traps! (more info)
$4.99 $2.99  Order PDF or PDF/Print bundle at DriveThruRPG

The Ooze Pits of Jonas Gralk. The Ooze Pits of Jonas GralkThe hamlet of Slither’s End needs your aid, but after meeting the bizarre locals, you might wonder if you need someone to protect you from Slither’s End! Can you unravel the mysterious abductions plaguing the town? And who is this Jonas Gralk that everyone mentions with grave suspicion? Answers await in The Ooze Pits of Jonas Gralk! (more info)
$4.99 $2.99  Order PDF or PDF/Print bundle at DriveThruRPG


A Gathering of the Marked. A Gathering of the MarkedDesigned for 0-level adventurers, A Gathering of the Marked challenges a band of strangers to endure the mad games of a power whose motivations are as mysterious as its identity. Can the summoned survive to wrest control of their lives once more? Will they turn on those they struggle with, or band together to defeat a common enemy? Will they finally come face to face with the twisted power that has called them, and uncover its dark secrets? All will be revealed in A Gathering of the Marked! (more info)
$4.99 $2.99  Order PDF at DriveThruRPG

Lair of the Mist Men Lair of the Mist Men is a short adventure designed to be run in a session or two for 6-8 1st-level characters. The Mist Men were first introduced in Adventure SC-2: The Ooze Pits of Jonas Gralk, but the initial battle with the Mist Men found in that adventure has been reproduced here for those who wish to introduce the Mist Men to their campaign without also including Slither’s End and its environs. (more info)
$3.99 $2.39  Order PDF at DriveThruRPG


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